feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-authentication-management

Adds sign up verification, forgotten password reset, and other capabilities to local feathers-authentication
MIT License
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Setting up authManagement in Nuxt.js gives not authenticated error (feathers-vuex) #93

Closed ImreC closed 6 years ago

ImreC commented 6 years ago

I am trying to implement the authManagement module in a Vue frontend (Nuxt.js) but I can't get it to work.

Steps to reproduce

User flow:

Expected behavior

The user is authenticated and posting the token verifies the user

Actual behavior

Server side error message (I think on dispatching auth/authenticate):

type: 'FeathersError',
  name: 'NotAuthenticated',
  message: 'Could not find stored JWT and no authentication strategy was given',
  code: 401,
  className: 'not-authenticated'

Client side error message (set as createError on the authManagement state):

params:Object (empty)
message:"An id must be provided to the 'patch' method"

What I don't understand

Shouldn't the userid of the verification action be taken from the token? Why is my cookie not recognized? Is there anything I am missing? I will happily contribute to the Vue docs if I get this working


feathers.js in plugins (client)

import feathers from '@feathersjs/client'
import io from 'socket.io-client'
import { CookieStorage } from 'cookie-storage'
import authManagementService from 'feathers-authentication-management'

const socket = io(process.env.baseUrl)

const feathersClient = feathers()
  .configure(feathers.authentication({ storage: new CookieStorage() }))

export default feathersClient

Vuex store index.js

import Vue from 'vue' // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import Vuex from 'vuex' // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import feathersVuex from 'feathers-vuex'
import feathersClient from '../plugins/feathers'
import { initAuth } from 'feathers-vuex/lib/utils'

const { service, auth } = feathersVuex(feathersClient, { idField: '_id' })


const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [
    auth({ userService: '/users' }),
  state: {},
  actions: {
    nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
      return initAuth({
        moduleName: 'authManagement',
        cookieName: 'feathers-jwt'

export default () => store

script in verify.vue

export default {
  methods: {
    async verifyToken() {
      const authData = {
        action: 'verifySignupLong',
        value: this.$route.query.token
      await this.$store.dispatch('auth/authenticate')
      await this.$store.dispatch('authManagement/create', authData)

  created () {
eddyystop commented 6 years ago

I don't use Vue so I can't help. Perhaps you can ask @marshallswain who wrote feathers-vuex (called Marshall on Feathers Slack).

marshallswain commented 6 years ago

It seems that even though you are setting up the feathers client with the cookie storage module, the JWT is still not available to the feathers client as a cookie in the server environment. Hence, the error 'Could not find stored JWT and no authentication strategy was given'.

I recommend using a debugger to set a breakpoint in your feathers-client.js so you can see if you can get access to the cookie in that context. I wrote an article on debugging Nuxt that might still be helpful even though I wrote it for a Nuxt beta release. https://codeburst.io/debugging-nuxt-js-with-visual-studio-code-724920140b8f

If you'd like to push your code to GitHub, I'd be glad to pull and troubleshoot.

ImreC commented 6 years ago

Just pushed some code to a repo here https://github.com/ImreC/feathers-test-auth-mgt

I have a hard time debugging this, since I haven't been coding that long and this is all pretty new to me. Really appreciate you taking a look.

ImreC commented 6 years ago

@marshallswain really rookie mistake. I forgot to set the cookie to enabled on server side. Server side error is fixed. The one on the client ("An id must be provided to the 'patch' method") persists. I will look into that later.

ImreC commented 6 years ago

Ok just tried it again with an axios post request instead. This works flawlessly. So what I still don't understand is why I have to provide an id to the patch method when I can just send a post request to the /authmanagement endpoint without any ids. Obviously this is something I can code around. I just don't get it.

ImreC commented 6 years ago

Ok, I feel this is off topic here. I'll close the issue. Thanks for the help so far :).