feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-debugger

Feathers Debugger Chrome extension
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Can't expose endpoint feathers-debugger #2

Open matiaslopezd opened 3 years ago

matiaslopezd commented 3 years ago

Hi, excellent debugger!!

I'm trying to use it but can't :sob:, when try refresh directly from extension feathers debugger returns the error:

error: Page not found {"type":"FeathersError","name":"NotFound","code":404,"className":"not-found","data":{"url":"/feathers-debugger?$sort[ts]=1&$limit=500&ts[$gt]=1597784909432&$version=1.2.0"},"errors":{}}

I added to app.js

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug') app.configure(debuggerService());

And in app.hooks.js

const { trace } = require('feathers-debugger-service');

module.exports = {
  before: {
    all: [trace(), ...]
  after: {
    all: [..., trace()]

What I'm doing wrong? I have a custom socket file that is to say I'm not using channels.js, that can affect?

radenkovic commented 3 years ago

Hey, @matiaslopezd I am not sure what it is the problem, but I need to mention in docs that it relies on REST. So if REST is not exposed then it won't work


Do you have this line in app.js? Also, try changing the order of app.configure(), put it at the very end but before those lines:

app.use(express.errorHandler({ logger }));

Please keep me posted! I can add websocket support in next version!

matiaslopezd commented 3 years ago

Hi @radenkovic ! I'm tried again but nothing. :(

radenkovic commented 3 years ago

@matiaslopezd I am pushing new version soon!

Can you check process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug', just


in app.js.

matiaslopezd commented 3 years ago

Now it's working! But I don't know it's a bug or not but when receiving a new request is showed in extension but after ~5s disappear all. The same happens when observer mode is deactivated and you refresh manually all disappear.

Also sometimes the observer mode is not working and needs refresh manually.

2020-09-03 11-48-50

I'm using Google Chrome 85.0.4183.83 on Ubuntu 20.04.

@radenkovic Awesome tool!! :rocket:

radenkovic commented 3 years ago

@matiaslopezd I will take a look! to me it def looks like bug (like timeframe is very short), but will check what's going on. Anyways, glad to see that it's working!

extension but after ~5s disappear all

Do you have nodemon maybe? If server is restarted it cleans up the stored data.