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How to test user related security on service? #1486

Closed soullivaneuh closed 11 months ago

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago


I made a children service. The create method require a userId field to link the child the user account.

The userId must be the same as the authenticated one if the user is not admin, so I setup a hook like this:

if (params.provider
      && !params.user.isAdmin
      && data.userId !== params.user._id
) {
  throw new BadRequest(`field userId must match the authenticated user`);

So I wrote this test:

it('can not create a child with a different user then the authenticated one', async () => {
  await expect(app.service('children').create({
    userId: parent2._id,
  }, {
    provider: 'rest',
    user: parent1,

But instead of BadRequest, I have NotAuthenticated error. So I added authentication process:

it('can not create a child with a different user then the authenticated one', async () => {
  await app.service('authentication').create({
    strategy: 'local',
    email: parent1.email,
    password: 'test1234',
  }, {});

  await expect(app.service('children').create({
    userId: parent2._id,
  }, {
    provider: 'rest',
    user: parent1,

But this change not a thing.

I'm not sure to understand all the doc about this. What is the quicker and more reliable way to test authenticated user filtering and authorization?

daffl commented 4 years ago

Don't check for params.provider but for params.user instead:

if (params.user
      && !params.user.isAdmin
      && data.userId !== params.user._id
) {
  throw new BadRequest(`field userId must match the authenticated user`);

params.user will always be available for external requests when authentication is enabled.

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

Oh ok, so I guess same thing here?

find: [
  (context: HookContext) => {
    const { params } = context;

    if (params.user && !params.user.isAdmin) {
      Object.assign(params.query, {
        userId: params.user._id,

Is it clearly indicated somewhere with an example? It would be a great addition. :+1:

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

I did the change but this lead to a security issue error:

● 'children' service › can not create a child with a different user then the authenticated one


    Received promise resolved instead of rejected
    Resolved to value: {"_id": "i8wcWh9QR1NblqmS", "birthday": 2020-06-01T17:34:25.358Z, "boosterSeat": false, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "userId": "3WMnevR9T5rRNqwA"}

      59 |     }, {});
      60 | 
    > 61 |     await expect(app.service('children').create({
         |           ^
      62 |       ...childDefaults,
      63 |       userId: parent2._id,
      64 |     })).rejects.toThrow(BadRequest);

      at expect (node_modules/expect/build/index.js:138:15)
      at Object.<anonymous> (test/services/children.test.ts:61:11)

Here is the related test:

it('can not create a child with a different user then the authenticated one', async () => {
  await app.service('authentication').create({
    strategy: 'local',
    email: parent1.email,
    password: 'test1234',
  }, {});

  await expect(app.service('children').create({
    userId: parent2._id,

Am I missing something? :thinking:

daffl commented 4 years ago

Correct. This is also mentioned in the Testing services chapter of the guide.

If you are testing services through the Feathers client, authentication always has to happen first.

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

I did manage to get my test running correctly:

it('can not create a child with a different user then the authenticated one', async () => {
  await expect(app.service('children').create({
    userId: parent2._id,
  }, {
    user: parent1,

Is it safe enough to test user authorization?

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

It works for the create test but not with find:

it('return children of parent 1', () => app.service('children').find({ user: parent1 })
  .then((children) => {


 FAIL  test/services/children.test.ts
  ● 'children' service › return children of parent 1

    TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
        at Function.assign (<anonymous>)

Not sure to fully understand what this error means. :thinking:

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

Forget it, the failure came from my code.

Thanks for you help! I let the issue open and let you decide if you need to update the documentation about this subject.

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

Going back again on this issue.

I am trying isProvider but I'm not sure how to implement it properly to work with the current test.

In a nutshell, I would like a security condition like this:


Where I suppose server means internal requests (BTW, what external means?), but I don't really know how to adapt the test to this.

soullivaneuh commented 4 years ago

I ended up creating my custom hook:

const isInternal = () => (context: HookContext): boolean => typeof context.params.user === 'undefined';


But I can't use it with isProvider. I'm not sure this is the best way to do. :thinking: