feathersjs / feathers

The API and real-time application framework
MIT License
15.03k stars 750 forks source link

CLI uses npm even when yarn option is specified #2955

Closed b-steel closed 1 year ago

b-steel commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

In an empty repo run npx @feathersjs/cli@pre generate app and choose mostly defaults, use yarn as package manager

- Do you want to use JavaScript or TypeScript? TypeScript
- What is the name of your application? feathers-dove
- Write a short description 
- Which HTTP framework do you want to use? KoaJS 
- What APIs do you want to offer? HTTP (REST), Real-time
- Which package manager are you using? Yarn
- What is your preferred schema (model) definition format? TypeBox (recommended)
- Which database are you connecting to? Other databases can be added at any time PostgreSQL
- Enter your database connection string postgres://docker:docker@db-dev:5432/docker_dev_data
- Which authentication methods do you want to use? Other methods and providers can be added at any time. Email + Password

Expected behavior

Yarn is used to install

Actual behavior

Everything was installed via npm and I ended up with a package-lock.json

System configuration

Tell us about the applicable parts of your setup.

running npm info @feathersjs/cli@pre results in

@feathersjs/cli@5.0.0-pre.34 | MIT | deps: 5 | versions: 70
The command line interface for creating Feathers applications

keywords: feathers, feathers-plugin

bin: feathers

.tarball: https://registry.npmjs.org/@feathersjs/cli/-/cli-5.0.0-pre.34.tgz
.shasum: 50752e2f709ed44bc2f4d5c63a36013e2a4a7c5c
.integrity: sha512-lSLidOtFErvs2tLiyVH24G4RyZfDsbJlEmCLU39wqwlPSUOaYcsxYDyOyJmP0dDrzvcRODrrbB4LdmlRo736cQ==
.unpackedSize: 284.7 kB

@feathershq/pinion: ^0.3.5 chalk: ^4.0.1              commander: ^9.4.1          lodash: ^4.17.21           prettier: ^2.8.0           

- daffl <daff@neyeon.com>
- marshallswain <marshall@creativeideal.net>
- alexisabril <alexis@aquil.io>

latest: 4.8.0      pre: 5.0.0-pre.34  

published a week ago by daffl <daff@neyeon.com>

Node v16.15.1

OSX Monterey 12.6.1