feathersui / feathersui-starling

User interface components for Starling Framework and Adobe AIR
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Animation of TextInput prompt #1734

Open mlapido opened 6 years ago

mlapido commented 6 years ago


This is not so much an issue but a question/request for a suggestion. I would like to animate the TextInput's prompt text to move to the upper left corner of the component and keep it there, as a label, whenever there is content in there. Can you please tell me how should I go about it?

joshtynjala commented 6 years ago

I don't have a good suggestion for you. If you're okay with simply repositioning the prompt without animation, you could probably extend TextInput and override layoutChildren() to position the prompt differently if hasFocus is true. Something like this:

override protected function layoutChildren():void
    if(hasFocus && prompt != null)
        //reposition the prompt here

Getting it to work with animation might be tricky, though.

Another option might be to create a LayoutGroup with a TextInput and Label as children. Use the Label instead of the prompt, and you'll have full control over it without affecting the layout inside of the TextInput.

mlapido commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Josh! I think the second option will suit me better. I'll try it and let you know. But, correct me if I'm wrong, you have been adding some animation abilities to feathers, what are those about?

joshtynjala commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I've added some new ways that you can tell a Feathers component to animate some kind of change to its state. For instance, when the visible property is set to true or false (showEffect/hideEffect), when a component is added or removed from the display list (addedEffect and removeFromParentWithEffect()), when a component receives or loses focus (focusInEffect/focusOutEffect), or when a component is resized or repositioned (resizeEffect/moveEffect).

Additionally, the List component can add animation to an item being added or removed from the data provider (addItemWithEffect() and removeItemWithEffect()).

mlapido commented 6 years ago

Cool, Josh, do you have any example of those effects working?

joshtynjala commented 6 years ago

I'm still working on the supporting documentation, examples, and things.