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Mesh Bias #93

Open mirkelly1 opened 2 weeks ago

mirkelly1 commented 2 weeks ago


For some reason when under the Fluid Mechanics model, I keep getting an error when trying to create a biased mesh towards the surface of the cylinder. I am able to input an R-bias value to bias the outer edge after initially making the shape. When I convert the object to an editable mesh and try to adjust the bias using the boundary layers, I get an unknown error message.

SteveMaas1978 commented 4 days ago


The boundary layer tool seems to work fine for me on a cylinder. If you are not on the latest version (2.7), please update and give it another try. If the issue persists, can you please provide additional information that allows us to reproduce the problem on our end (detailed steps you took, which faces you selected, actual values you entered for the geometry and meshing).

