What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?
Federal election board I believe and I have screenshots that you are giving the election to Biden when votes aren't even totally counted.
Plus the country is pulling together for the first time and I don't know how long telling you what they want! it is and obvious constituents don't want. It is obvious the country is telling you where you want Trump. It is your job the make sure that are constitutional right to vote is upheld legally and right now I don't see that happening!
General feedback?
Website sucks
Tell us about yourself
My name is Cynthia Castillo and I live in Williamsport Pennsylvania and I am interested in you up holding the voting regulations and not falsifying information. If you wish to talk to me call me on my cell phone 570-772-2425 or if you're too chicken to call me here's my email wheelchairrebel@hotmail.com
What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?
Federal election board I believe and I have screenshots that you are giving the election to Biden when votes aren't even totally counted. Plus the country is pulling together for the first time and I don't know how long telling you what they want! it is and obvious constituents don't want. It is obvious the country is telling you where you want Trump. It is your job the make sure that are constitutional right to vote is upheld legally and right now I don't see that happening!
General feedback?
Website sucks
Tell us about yourself
My name is Cynthia Castillo and I live in Williamsport Pennsylvania and I am interested in you up holding the voting regulations and not falsifying information. If you wish to talk to me call me on my cell phone 570-772-2425 or if you're too chicken to call me here's my email wheelchairrebel@hotmail.com