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Comment #11896

Closed fec-issues-bot closed 2 years ago

fec-issues-bot commented 2 years ago

What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?

Trying to take all your jobs and actually listen to the victims of fraud and get a definitive plan in place. As it stands now, the whole system is fucked and you know it. I will not curb my language in an effort to demonstrate the dire urgency this matter needs in regards to reform, as well as display my complete and absolute frustration in the fact no information provided that I followed brought even the slightest resolution to my issues. Furthermore, I would like to propose immediately that a team of the finest coders, fact checkers, and cyber security experts get to work on creating a new internet or whatever you want to call it so that the citizens of the country, myself included, who are lacking the knowledge and skill set to operate safely online. How is one supposed to learn how to operate online when there is no outlet for learning except online self teaching? Now I know for a fact there is plenty of money to have free classes a few nights of the week at local libraries where said citizens, who grew up learning in the classroom, can obtain the necessary skills to exist in todays world of online deception. Please note that I am extremely furious at the whole machine but I’m a roll your sleeves up and get dirty motherfucker and seeing how nobody else is doing a god damned thing, then I guess I’ll have to. It’s not like I can do anything else with multiple people attached to my ss#. I have hand transcribed enough data to bring a lot of power houses down and you know what I’ve learned? They are all pussies so why not take the power back through carefully thought out decisions based on leveraging that data for cooperation. See that’s the problem with allowing too many peckerheads in office, they don’t know how to negotiate. If they did, there would have never been a shut down at the most critical point in American financial history since the depression. It’s no wonder everybody went for the steal, our government, as corrupt and slimy as it may be, ran for the hills after it fucked it’s people in the ass. Guess what, that big giant dick of disappointment is still teaming out my asshole so this is my last attempt at seeking help from any govt. entity. After that, I’ll be at every town meeting with an air horn fucking up your little campaigns just as you did many of us in our life campaign. Don’t even bother trying to pull some threat charge cause no judge on the country can find reason to pinch a guy for saying he’ll make a lot of noise with an air horn to drown out the lies of the people at the podium. Like I said, I am homeless since covoid, I have nothing better to do. Btw, why is the last date of known fraud publications over 8 years old. Update that shit so people are aware what to look for. Your a representative of America so grab your balls and if they are not there then step the fuck down cause we are getting killed.

General feedback?

Fuck the internet

Tell us about yourself

Angry dude whose being stalked online and lost everything since Covid. More pissed at the fact every few years I have to start over because of some law changes or bullshit health insurance denial and I’m fucking done with it. You cats are so shitty at your job I may run for office and I’m not worried about my language cause what matter does the word shit mean when most of us are living in a world of it. Smear campaigns and misdirections? Come On already, it’s not about you of your in office remember? Get your free lunches and blow jobs and what have you but you can’t take a month off cause you can’t agree on at least a temporary damage plan. Treat that shit like jury duty bitch you don’t leave till you can figure it out. Jesus Christ already. Have a nice day, yours truly, Uncle Sam


PaulClark2 commented 2 years ago

No actionable website work, so closing.