fecgov / FEC

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User feedback on https://www.fec.gov/ #4834

Closed fec-issue-bot closed 6 years ago

fec-issue-bot commented 6 years ago

What were you trying to do and how can we improve it?

Looking for the president to address some issues concerning cyber security and identity fraud for over 10 years now!

General feedback?

World War 3 - Do anyone care? I WILL NOT tolerate to be violated 2018 esecially by 'foreigners' and inside and domestic corruption and retailiation - also being BLOCKED from using my own name and bank accounts on a state and federal level! Investment FRAUD - liens, taxes, credit card FRAUD, Security and Broker Fraud, Realty Estate FRAUD, Domain Parking, intellectual property, copyright, software/ escrow and email hijacking - BLOCKCHAIN, Retail, educational, employment THEFT to include commercial driver license AutoNation FRAUD and not least Healthcare and Life Insurance. Donation and Charity FRAUD, Massive LLC FRAUD - I WILL NOT GO ON LIVING THIS WAY ' I WANT MY LIFE BACK 'CIVIL RIGHTS' and to be respected as a citizen of the USA! SEE AND HEAR from Son Soldier jn military active duty since 2003 and other Family Members - cellphones are BLOCKED and controlled for too long - I should not be HOMELESS looking for a disability check when I Do Not Have That Type Of Disability - But was 'A Scandal and FAKE EVALUATIONS in order to receive, abandon and continue to CRUELLY SCAM AND ABANDON of CIVIL RIGHTS!

Tell us about yourself

Researcher/Entreprenuer and interested in compliance with whatever there is to comply with - but need assistance to move forward and to locate and join my family for the New Year and JUSTICE in supreme Court, if needed - This had been going on too long. I am GOD fearing and an American and have a lot to offer - especially my grandchildren and to be an advocate in getting other people off the streets and with securing gainful employment and housing and or hotel /shelters throughout the big cities.


PaulClark2 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for contacting the Federal Election Commission. There's no actionable website development work to be completed, so closing.