fecgov / fec-cms

The content management system (CMS) for the new Federal Election Commission website.
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Test Wagtail 2.0 upgrade #1973

Closed patphongs closed 6 years ago

patphongs commented 6 years ago

We need to heavily test the Wagtail 2.0 upgrade. This has been launched in our feature space and testing can start now.

Completion criteria:

patphongs commented 6 years ago

Some bugs found today during design sync:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Bug found today while checking out a H4CC page (using custom page template): The glossary term button only works when the term is exactly like that in the glossary. For example, if you apply glossary button to a heading entitled "National party committees" it doesn't work, because the term in the glossary is "National party committee".

If you just apply the button to the part of the word or term that matches, it works but it looks funny. (Here's a screencap.)


(This is something most likely solved by going into the html code and moving what will be in between the code for the term. But means, we'd need that html editor button.)

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Starting to test the templates. I'll put a check by them when testing is done, and add any notes about bugs observed in a comment.

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

On the Commissioner page template - most of the editing functions worked well. The one quirk observed was that link text did not pre-populate when I selected text and added a link. (The link still worked and the text was there - it just didn't show in the dialog box.) Here's a screencap

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

For the About landing template:

Also: Not a problem as it wasn't a thing in Wagtail 1.0 either, but there may be times a related page might be an external link (such as to a transition page). It's not possible to add this as a separate link -related page with a call-out button. (It is possible to do the link in the section intro text.)

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the custom page template in this comment:

Here's a screencap of the sections added to a page that doesn't use two of them; you can see the issue more clearly. It would be a dealbreaker for this page, for example.

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the document feed page template in this comment:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the digest page template in this comment:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the Press Release page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the Record page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

For the Document page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

For the meeting page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

For the tips for treasurers page template: I'm familiar with what the tips use and what they don't, so didn't test out the features that wouldn't be used. Mostly it works. Some small items:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

For the reporting example template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the reports landing page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the collection page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the Press Landing page template:

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Issues found while testing the Resource Page template:

JonellaCulmer commented 6 years ago

@dorothyyeager Also, for Resource page I just found that the asides are now required and they are not currently on production.

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Thanks @JonellaCulmer I see that and I agree that's not a good thing. Have updated my resource page comment above to note it!

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

I've summarized the issues found during testing in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fgxx9oTEXunm7scqyqJRDF5bG-z45eXO1VkOLwSa8Zw/edit?usp=sharing

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

@llienfec is going to test out the reporting example template and add her thoughts on it as needed. Will close this issue after she's done.

A separate ticket for next sprint will cover the testing of the hard-coded templates I couldn't test. That issue is at #1994

llienfec commented 6 years ago

Hey @dorothyyeager - finished testing reporting examples template and found the same things as you.

It would be nice to embed video instead of just linking at the bottom, but we can save that for future work. Not needed to give Wagtail 2.0 the go-ahead.

Also, re: glossary notes - I definitely think we want access to the glossary on reporting example pages, maybe not used as heavily as on the content pages.

Glossary - showstopper?

I think the glossary has to be figured out before Wagtail 2.0 goes live. Instead of the glossary automatically linking. is there a way we can select the text, click glossary, and pick the term we want to associate with the link? What do you think @dorothyyeager @AmyKort

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Thanks @llienfec! Using the html block will work as workarounds for the video. It also helps with the glossary (but defeats the purpose of the handy glossary button). In my write-up, I didn't think the glossary stuff was a show-stopper, but it is a strong argument for having the HTML editor button (since the way to make it link a term that isn't exact would be to edit the html code).

Going to close this issue after adding your notes into the doc.

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Added Lauren's thoughts on glossary into the doc and elevated the glossary button into the possible dealbreaker portion.

Hard-coded page template testing issue is open at #1994 so will close this one as we've tested all of the pages we could and wrote up findings.

llienfec commented 6 years ago

Thanks @dorothyyeager I agree... I think we need either HTML or the glossary fixed. In a perfect world, I'd rather have HTML (ha - or both).

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Totally @llienfec , my vote would be the HTML editor as well. It has a habit of coming in handy!

johnnyporkchops commented 6 years ago

Resource page template issue- I was unable to edit and save a change to a Resource page template because the aside blocks are required. In the current Wagtail (<2.0), removing a required field using the trash icon or the "X" usually works to remove a required field, but on this page, it does not allow you to remove them so it is impossible to edit and save the existing page. This may be solved by making those fields optional. I encountered this when trying to edit /about/careers on feature using Wagtail 2.0.https://fec-feature-cms.app.cloud.gov/admin/pages/7256/edit/

dorothyyeager commented 6 years ago

Thanks @johnnyporkchops - For that template and the custom page template, the asides not being optional is a dealbreaker I noted in my document. It really affects the pending rulemaking matters page that OGC uses when they have more than one rulemaking (and they weren't able to preview a coming update to the page because I couldn't mock it up in feature). Definitely something we need to fix before Wagtail 2.0 is put into use.