fecgov / fecfile-web-app

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Update Committee Header #142

Open AureliaKhorsand opened 2 years ago

AureliaKhorsand commented 2 years ago

This is a placeholder ticket for updating the committee header.

Per Ryan Lanz over email on 2/16/22:

Type of Committee – I strongly encourage us to add this to the page. I personally would even like to see it added to the overall banner that currently shows a committee’s ID and name. Committee type is going to be extremely important in the backend since it directly impacts what type of reports and schedules they need to file with the FEC. I think we should make that transparent to the user. If we add it, we need to add a few more committee types besides the four listed below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m5vmv4uUg1-WPnvYb0Smg95A1A4hxBlI/view?usp=sharing. Please note that the codes should be used to pull the descriptions from the FEC database, not from this list. I can provide the official types/descriptions if needed.

Name of Any Connected Organization, Affiliated Committee, Joint Fundraising Representative, or Leadership PAC Sponsor – This gets dicey because the potential list of affiliates, etc. can get very long. I think this leads credence to us including language at the top of the page that I have included in my comments above.

Per Ryan Lanz during PI 2 Planning: We should also show filing frequency.

QA Notes


DEV Notes




AureliaKhorsand commented 3 months ago

@MitchellTCG are you ok with me splitting this ticket up so we can track the Dashboard and Header updates/design/development separately?