fecgov / fecfile-web-app

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"Notification bell" icon on the "Navigation menu bar" should be unselectable and greyed out #2031

Open WiseQA opened 3 days ago

WiseQA commented 3 days ago

Description: Where was the issue found: Committee ID: C00100495 Environment: STAGE / DEV * Browser: Chrome

Please describe the issue: "Notification bell" icon on the "Navigation menu bar" should be unselectable and shouldn't navigate to any page.

Approx. time the issue was found: 12:00 pm on 07/02/2024

How to replicate the issue:

  1. Click "Dashboard" from "Navigation menu bar" then select the "Notification bell" icon routes the user to the "Manage reports" page. (This is the bug)
  2. "Navigation bell" icon should be greyed out and nonselectable as "Transactions" on the "Navigation menu bar"

Screenshots: Current issue on STAGE and DEV

~~@MitchellTCG @mjtravers "Navigation bell" icon should be greyed out and nonselectable across the site per UX. Bug found during Sprint 44 testing on STAGE and verified on DEV also. Bug pointed 2 pts. assigned to Sprint Backlog.


QA Notes


DEV Notes


