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Allow user to create a contact - individual #61

Closed AureliaKhorsand closed 2 years ago

AureliaKhorsand commented 2 years ago

Business Reason

As a Committee Administrator, I will be able to create an Individual contact associated with my committee so that I can pull them into necessary transactions and reports as needed.

Acceptance Criteria

If I am a Committee Administrator When I access my committee's contact list And add a new contact with the Type "Individual" Then I will be able to input the following:

Expected Error Messages:

  1. This is a required field.

    • LAST NAME (A/N-30, required)
    • FIRST NAME (A/N-20, required)
    • MIDDLE NAME (A/N-20, not required)
    • COUNTRY/REGION (dropdown, required. Should default to United States)
    • ADDRESS (A/N-34, required)
    • APARTMENT, SUITE, ETC. (A/N-34, not required)
    • CITY (A/N-30, required)
    • STATE/PROVINCE (A/N-2, required. Should be a dropdown)
    • ZIP/POSTAL CODE (A/N-9, required)
  2. This field cannot contain more than 30 alphanumeric characters.

    • LAST NAME (A/N-30, required)
    • CITY (A/N-30, required)
  3. This field cannot contain more than 34 alphanumeric characters.

    • ADDRESS (A/N-34, required)
    • APARTMENT, SUITE, ETC. (A/N-34, not required)
  4. This field cannot contain more than 10 alphanumeric characters.

    • PREFIX (A/N-10, not required)
    • SUFFIX (A/N-10, not required)
    • ZIP/POSTAL CODE (A/N-9, required)
  5. This field cannot contain more than 10 numeric characters.

    • TELEPHONE (N-10, not required)
  6. This field cannot contain more than 20 alphanumeric characters.

    • FIRST NAME (A/N-20, required)
    • MIDDLE NAME (A/N-20, not required)
  7. This field cannot contain more than 10 alphanumeric characters.

    • STATE/PROVINCE (A/N-2, required. Should be a dropdown)
  8. This field cannot contain more than 38 alphanumeric characters.

    • EMPLOYER (A/N-38, not required for a new contact)
    • OCCUPATION (A/N-38, not required for a new contact)

    UX (HTML/CSS) details for Devs

Please review the below link for sizing, style, and grid with breakpoints https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qfx3vMPGAoMcMZzTQkvmvNmWvUSVC4bvGwC7vvhs6Ag/edit

See data fields needed here

QA Notes


DEV Notes




AureliaKhorsand commented 2 years ago

Note: avoiding roles if possible for now.

Question for FEC: Telephone is not in the specs, but is in the Salient App for both individuals and an organization. Should it be an optional field or no?

Answer: Phone number is optional. Zip code is required, should not have dash count against character length. UX/UI discussion needed on how to display data on the front end for all entries.

MitchellTCG commented 2 years ago

Wireframe Attached


Individual - Required Fields.png

Individual - Character Count.png

State/Province Dropdown:

AureliaKhorsand commented 2 years ago

Refinement Meeting 2/9/22: Removed "save" functionality into #110. This ticket is for data input only.

Discussion 2/10/22: Will develop with United States as default (and only) country, and won't include international phone numbers. Those will be covered in #111. Error message is standard angular and will be updated with redesign effort.

WiseQA commented 2 years ago

Individual Contact field messages screen shot: image.png

Individual Contact field error messages screen shot: image.png

Individual Contact "required fields" screen shot: image.png

Test Case/Test Script attached showing ticket “PASS”. https://app.zenhub.com/files/306118986/dbebdca3-6bc5-4800-960d-5bd20adcbb03/download

QA review completed. Moved to Stage Ready.