fecgov / openFEC-web-app

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To better serve user groups with overlapping needs, improve paths between sections of the website. #2185

Closed jenniferthibault closed 7 years ago

jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

Criteria for completion

Although they certainly relate, so that we could take them on in stages, we separated the home page changes from the bigger, more cross-page issue of navigating around the site. It's expected that the work in #2159 may need to adjust based on this work.

jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

Starting by collecting existing issues, here is a list of what we have so far:

I'll come back to pick this up & organize/group by theme (if relevant) next

patphongs commented 7 years ago

Some follow-up testing can be added for this to see if users understood that they needed to go to Help for candidates and committees to access campaign guidance. After synthesis of our testing results, we might know more. The issue was logged in fec-testing and I wanted to connect it to this ticket. cc @jenniferthibault @llienfec


jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

One way to help scope this down is to focus on known instances of incorrect navigation—times when we know something lives in one place on the site, but users are routinely trying an incorrect navigation path first—and connecting those trails.

That narrows things down to:

This might seem like a lot, but I'm imagining this issue is not to completely solve all the problems, but rather to identify a system of improvements we could make, and determine what would be the achievable in the near term.

Since I'll be OOO for the rest of the week, I'll move this issue out of "In progress" to keep stand ups moving fluidly, but thoughts are welcome from anyone who wants to lend their brain! cc folks who expressed interest in the issue: @dorothyyeager @jameshupp @rhoughfec @patphongs @llienfec

jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

I've put together a system of changes based on a few design themes that I'm pretty excited about. These changes should give us some flexibility that we've been lacking on landing pages, especially, and I'm really excited to see what you all think and how we might make them even better.

Make Campaign guidance for candidates and committees its own landing page Most importantly, this allows the Help for candidates and committees page to start meeting other users needs, for both committees and observers. It also lets us flesh out the campaign guidance section with publications and offerings just for committees, like trainings, FEC record publications, and tips for treasurers.

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Restyle landing pages as collections with hierarchy based on usefulness, rather than index-like lists where everything is presented equally As we've been designing the site, we've consciously been needing to put pages and information up before we fully understand how or how much people use it. This means that a lot of the landing pages are built as index pages. We've gained better understanding of the information users prioritize, and have started to successfully redesign them, like the data landing page. I think we're at the point with Help for candidates and committees and Legal resources that we can start making those same sorts of informed decisions.

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jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

I've updated the designs based on great feedback in last week's design pairing, including:

The independent guide pages would bee the same as outlined above in https://github.com/18F/openFEC-web-app/issues/2185#issuecomment-324472620

Help for candidates and committees landing revised:

(for comparison, here is another version that was left on the cutting room floor that reduces the competition between the popular topics and the guides, but feels less visually restful)

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Legal resources revised

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Would love if @llienfec @rhoughfec @noahmanger @jameshupp @patphongs could take a look to see if this feels like an improvement based on what we discussed last week, and if I have the right examples in place, especially in the "You might also like" sections

jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

After a great design pairing today we made some further refinements, and have the set that's ready for demoing with the rest of the team in order to move toward implementation and testing:

New strategy for browsing the Help for candidates and committees landing page

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Guides as their own page

To make more room on the Help for candidates and committees landing page for giving an overview to the section and most-sought information

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New strategy for browsing the Legal resources landing page

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I've started placeholder implementation issues in #2286, #2287, and #2288 for each of the above, which we can groom into readiness once we get 👍 from our broader team/product owners

AmyKort commented 7 years ago

This looks completely awesome to me! Thank you for all of the time, thought and care. I think we're ready to move forward with these issues.

jenniferthibault commented 7 years ago

Closing in favor of #2286 , #2287 , and #2288 which will implement these. Once implemented, testing should happen on staging/dev before the concepts are moved to production.