The first RESTful API for the Federal Election Commission. We're aiming to make campaign finance more accessible for journalists, academics, developers, and other transparency seekers.
We include citations outside of election law for AO's. We should determine with Policy if these citations should be included.
MUR's and ADR's have citations parsed into separate fields and will only include statutes and regulations of election law. For AO's we parse the entire AO's ocrtext field and look for instances of USC and CFR.
IF we decide to keep the citations we need to do the FE (or maybe proxy??) work so that we can link to other titles.
Related ticket(s)
(Include the tickets that either came before, after, or are happening in tandem with this new ticket)
[ ]
Action item(s)
(These are the smaller tasks that should happen in order to complete this work)
[ ]
Completion criteria
(What does the end state look like - as long as this task(s) is done, this work is complete)
[ ] Final decision is made about citations for AO's and AF's
[ ] Create followup tickets (either BE to remove citations or FE to fix links)
References/resources/technical considerations
(Is there sample code or a screenshot you can include to highlight a particular issue? Here is where you reinforce why this work is important)
What we’re after
We include citations outside of election law for AO's. We should determine with Policy if these citations should be included.
MUR's and ADR's have citations parsed into separate fields and will only include statutes and regulations of election law. For AO's we parse the entire AO's ocrtext field and look for instances of USC and CFR.
IF we decide to keep the citations we need to do the FE (or maybe proxy??) work so that we can link to other titles.
Related ticket(s)
(Include the tickets that either came before, after, or are happening in tandem with this new ticket)
Action item(s)
(These are the smaller tasks that should happen in order to complete this work)
Completion criteria
(What does the end state look like - as long as this task(s) is done, this work is complete)
References/resources/technical considerations
(Is there sample code or a screenshot you can include to highlight a particular issue? Here is where you reinforce why this work is important)