fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
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Notifications are not collapsable even if collapse_key is present (Android) #109

Open acalatrava opened 7 years ago

acalatrava commented 7 years ago

After using your plugin I noticed that the notifications won't collapse even if I add the collapse_key as per FCM docs (https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref)

Is there something that I may need to add to the code so it will work?


ostrichegret commented 7 years ago

On your server side :

let message = {
        to: token,
        notification: {
            tag: "new_messages",
            title: `You have ${count} new message${count == 1 ? '' : 's'}`,
            body: 'Click to read them!',
            sound: 'default',
            //badge: "100"
        data: {
            type: "chat"
        collapse_key: "new_messages"

Example from @jonathan-chin

Krypternite commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem too. COLLAPSE_KEY is not working ?

Do we need to add something to the code ?

ostrichegret commented 7 years ago

@Krypternite from my example code above,

You need collapse_key: "new_messages" and notification: { tag: "new_messages" }

It works

ghost commented 7 years ago

@ostrichegret , I've tried using collapse_key and it doesn't work, if I use tag it only works for Android and Browser.

truca commented 6 years ago

@ostrichegret your example works for me.

I also tried to use different callapse_key values (based on the type of messages) and it didn't worked. That might be due that i converted integers to strings and used them as the keys. That is my finding.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@truca , collapse_key is meant to work when the device is offline, and when regains internet connection it will only deliver the last notification received while offline.

ostrichegret commented 6 years ago


@nickmendes I don't know about the offline device, are you using local notification? I haven't test it.

What I know about collapse_key is, it will help to replace the old notification that i sent from online server to new one. Without collapse_key, it will flood the device notification up to 100 notification before it get discarded ( this most likely happen on chat app ).

@truca maybe it's still in interger and fcm only accept strings, try to debug the value type.

$interger = 888;
echo gettype ( $interger );

echo "<br/>";

$string = "" . $interger;
echo gettype ( $string );
sturmenta commented 5 years ago

The @ostrichegret solution worked for me:

(Collapsing only the identical messages)

var collapseKey = 'I am the fucking collapse key';

var message = {
    to: 'the_token',
    time_to_live: 60 * 60 * 24, //one day
    collapse_key: collapseKey,
    delay_while_idle: false,
    data: {
        payload: { someUtilData: 'very usefull' },
    notification: {
        title: 'Hello motherfucker',
        body: 'Nice body',
        tag: collapseKey,
        icon: 'ic_notification',
        color: '#18d821',
        sound: 'default',
YemYigit commented 4 years ago

@Krypternite from my example code above,

You need collapse_key: "new_messages" and notification: { tag: "new_messages" }

It works

Your are awesome

ThoseGuysInTown commented 3 years ago

none of the above solutions have worked for me. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? (These notifications are going to an iOS front end)

Expected behavior: I'm expecting any notification with the same collapseId to be replaced by the most recent one sent

What actually happens: They all just send as new notifications

// send notifications
var FCM = require('fcm-push');
var serverKey = creds.firebase.serverKey;
var fcm = new FCM(serverKey);

let message = {
    to: token,
    collapse_key: collapseId,
    notification: {
        title: title,
        body: body,
fcm.send(message, function(err, response) { 
    let data = JSON.parse(response || "{}") || {}
    console.log("resp", data)
    let isSuccess = data.success || 0
    console.log("Sending notification: " + isSuccess)
mansoor1025 commented 1 year ago

@Krypternite from my example code above, You need collapse_key: "new_messages" and notification: { tag: "new_messages" } It works

Your are awesome

its not working can u plz share your payload