Open eticsoft opened 8 years ago
I have the same error. Did not happen before.
Resolved this error. Apparently I added cordova-plugin-firebase as well as cordova-plugin-fcm. Both add something to the strings and values.xml. I removed cordova-plugin-firebase and it worked well for me. "cordova plugin list" "cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-firebase"
I did the same thing but even after removing the cordova-plugin-firebase it's still creating the duplicates. Still looking into why. I'm not showing the cordova-plugin-firebase in my config.xml or via the 'cordova plugin list' command. I even did a 'git stash' to partially reset the code and it's still happening.
UPDATE: I was able to get it to work again by removing the 'cordova-plugin-firebase' reference from the config.xml file, then removed the android platform, added it back and it built without any issues.
I have the same issue. What if you want both 'cordova-plugin-firebase' and 'cordova-plugin-fcm' at the same time?
Removing firebase plugin is not a solution if you're using a firebase DB for logins in your app. It's not a practical solution, where you have to have both plugins FCM and firebase.
I'd suggest using OneSignal [] plugin instead of FCM, to avoid the conflict with firebase.
1> * What went wrong: 1>MSBUILD : cordova-build error : Execution failed for task ':mergeDebugResources'. 1> Execution failed for task ':mergeDebugResources'. 1>MSBUILD : cordova-build error : > [string/google_api_key] ......platforms\android\res\values\strings.xml [string/google_api_key] .......\platforms\android\build\generated\res\google-services\debug\values\values.xml: Error: Duplicate resources 1> > [string/google_api_key] .........\platforms\android\res\values\strings.xml [string/google_api_key] .......\platforms\android\build\generated\res\google-services\debug\values\values.xml: Error Duplicate resources 1>
edit: It seems, caused by the google_api_key string which located in values.xml