fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
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No Notification when app is killed #115

Closed akash-pal closed 3 years ago

akash-pal commented 7 years ago

When app is in foreground/ background it works fine as mentioned.

However when the killed or device is restarted then no notification comes.

I am using Redmi Note 3 - Lolipop

Leomhl commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem with IOS 10

akash-pal commented 7 years ago

I have tested on nexus 5 and it works after killing the app on android. I have tested on iOS 9.3 and it works perfectly fine. You could try to uninstall the app and try again.

Leomhl commented 7 years ago

Hi @akash-pal, I tried this but I didn't have success. I`m using IOS 10.0.2. On android it's ok.

akash-pal commented 7 years ago

Have you got the device token on iOS? Hope you have uploaded your .p12 certificate to firebase messaging console. And the provisioning profile has push notification enabled.

Leomhl commented 7 years ago

@akash-pal The device is generate correctly the token on IOS and Android. Yes, the .p12 it's ok in firebase messaging console. The provisioning profile it's ok too.

I receive the push with the app open. I don't receive when it's closed. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1pDQehGpei8eVJ3QTdEcFF6VTdVSFI5NlRGZG9TMHpSeEZZ/view?usp=sharing

akash-pal commented 7 years ago

Are you trying to send notifications using firebase console or a testing server? Try using the rest api. Even remote notifications should be enabled.

Leomhl commented 7 years ago

@akash-pal Currently I'm using firebase console. This can be a problem?

Leomhl commented 7 years ago

The problem continue =/

Hasanajouz commented 7 years ago

I solved it by enabling "Push notifications" from Xcode Capabilities.

minawalphonce commented 7 years ago

this is still a problem on android ? anyone has found a solution yet ?