fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
624 stars 991 forks source link

Phonegap Build Error #18

Open marcomow opened 7 years ago

marcomow commented 7 years ago

"Oh geez. Your build failed. Sorry, but a problem occurred on the build server"

I suppose is a problem with google play services, but how can I do this with PGB? -> "You will need to ensure that you have installed the following items through the Android SDK Manager:

Android Support Library version 23 or greater Android Support Repository version 20 or greater Google Play Services version 27 or greater Google Repository version 22 or greater"

mindr242 commented 7 years ago

Same problem, Anyone has a solution? Please give instructions to use the plugin with Phonegap Build.

persiandukan commented 7 years ago

Hi @marcomow @mindr242
Did you finally made a successful build with Google FCM ? I want to add push to my phonegap build app and I want to know if it is possible and how?

Thanks Saeid