fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
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UIApplicationDelegate error in ios (not receiving notification) #244

Open shaharyar123 opened 7 years ago

shaharyar123 commented 7 years ago

FCM perfectly working on android devices but getting error when run on IOS and not receiving notification on ios device.

<FIRMessaging/WARNING> Error none of the remote notification callbacks implemented by UIApplicationDelegate

what is this error about ? am i missing something ? any answer or solution will be appreciated!

Haideralee commented 7 years ago

i having same issue but in my scenario, Push Notification receive successfully when APP is not open or APP is in background and if i add FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled in Info.plist, set NO then i do not receive any notification on background or foreground but firebase warning appear on xcode logs.

<FIRMessaging/WARNING> Error none of the remote notification callbacks implemented by UIApplicationDelegate

<FIRMessaging/WARNING> FIRMessaging receiving notification in invalid state 2

alexandrunicolae commented 7 years ago

any luck in finding a solution? thanks

Haideralee commented 7 years ago

@alexandrunicolae which IOS version are you testing ?

alexandrunicolae commented 7 years ago

@Haideralee 10.0.2

Haideralee commented 7 years ago

@alexandrunicolae did you upload ios development certificate on your project.

alexandrunicolae commented 7 years ago

@Haideralee yes, i get notifications when the app is in background or closed, the problem is when the app is in foreground or when I tap on a notification

Haideralee commented 7 years ago

@alexandrunicolae this behavior come to me on IOS < 10 version. please check this Opned issue https://github.com/fechanique/cordova-plugin-fcm/issues/247

alexandrunicolae commented 7 years ago

@Haideralee Solved it, I forgot to run cordova build ios and my app.js didn't update. so it works now. I didn't try <10 but found this https://github.com/martin-podlubny/cordova-plugin-fcm

Haideralee commented 7 years ago

@alexandrunicolae great

saninaimayer commented 7 years ago

I have the same error. My app receive and process notification in foreground but in background show this error: <FIRMessaging/WARNING> FIRMessaging receiving notification in invalid state 2.

My content-available set 1.

My iOS version is 10.3.3.

Please help me.

{ aps = { "content-available" = 1; }; code = 053284; "gcm.message_id" = "0:1504723579760179%bd2dffcfbd2dffcf"; message = "C\U00f3digo VEM 053284. Valor solicitado: 1.00"; type = "validation_code"; value = "1.00"; }