fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
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iOS crashes after opening app #389

Open jockeaden opened 6 years ago

jockeaden commented 6 years ago

Hello. First off, great plugin! I have an issues with iOS though. On Andriod devices, the push messages gets delivered both in the foreground and in the background.

However, on iOS devices, the message is just recieved if the app is in the foreground. If I shut the app down, and send out a notification (im using the firebase console) nothing happens. But if I open the app after the notification should have been recieved, I get two notifications, and then the app crashes.. Is anyone else experiencing a similar problem?

nairbinod commented 6 years ago

In my case, the app shows the splash screen, get a notification alert and then crashes right away

cyclonmaster-zz commented 6 years ago

I had that problem before. turn out it is because the it failed to find fcm google .plist file even though the file is already in the resource folder. So I open using xcode and manually add the .plist file into the app. Then build it again. Then it can run fine.

jockeaden commented 6 years ago

@cyclonmaster hmm are you sure that this is the problem in my case? I get the token and recieve messages if the app opened. Its only when the app is closed or in the background that this happens.

nairbinod commented 6 years ago

How do you edit the .ipa file? I know it's a zip file but won't it invalidate the file.

On Oct 15, 2017 10:38 PM, "cyclonmaster" notifications@github.com wrote:

I had that problem before. turn out it is because the it failed to find fcm google .plist file even though the file is already in the resource folder. So I open using xcode and manually add the .plist file into the app. Then build it again. Then it can run fine.

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ang-st commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm facing the same issue. As soon as the app is launched, i 'm starting to get:

App[94931:7043154] app become active
2017-10-16 19:52:30.317897+0200 App[94931:7043438] [BoringSSL] Function boringssl_context_get_peer_sct_list: line 1754 received sct extension length is less than sct data length

It seems related to :

It appears to be fixed in Firebase 4.3.0

rodrigopaixao commented 6 years ago

Having the same problem. The app is crashing after splash. Do you guys have any idea why?

ron-gonzalez commented 6 years ago

Hi All, I found same problem with IOS 10.x IPhone 6 Building on Ionic Pro server.

I can confirm that .plist file us uploaded un root folder ( same as config.xml ) . The APP starts and just after the Splash Screen it crashes.

There is any news about this Issue ? Thnaks ALL

ron-gonzalez commented 6 years ago

Hi All , I have detected exactly the problem when compiling in Ionic Pro Server. The problem is that the "GoogleService-Info.plist" " that comes with the ".ipa" file is invalid. is a chunk of binary data. I'm wondering if the problem is the script that copies when the platform is IOS ( Android is OK ) I can confirm that the correct "GoogleService-Info.plist" is uploaded to server on the root folder ( same as config.xml). I hope to help oyou with this information. Best regards, Roni

Muji86 commented 6 years ago


Has anyone found a solution to the issue with app crashing?

ron-gonzalez commented 6 years ago

Hi Muji86, Are you trying local compilation ( on a MAC ) or in a Ionic Remote server ?

Muji86 commented 6 years ago

Hi @ron-gonzalez ,

The package is done on the Ionic servers.

Could the workaround be to use cordova-plugin-firebase instead?

At least it's mentioned in the ionic package hooks

ron-gonzalez commented 6 years ago

Hi Muji86, Bad news there is no active fire base plugins compiling for IOS on Ionic Server. Nowadays the only way , is to compile on Ionic Server, download the .ipa file, open it with a ZIP o RAR file manager, Update the GoogleService-Info.plist and resing the .ipa file. but for this last step you need Xcode. :( I have stoped a project beacause that )

Muji86 commented 6 years ago

@ron-gonzalez I managed to get ionic pro to build using one signal 2.1.0 Only a matter of time before it breaks again as newer versions of OneSignal plugin use cocoapods which has issues in automated builds

DouglasLapsley commented 6 years ago

Same problem here. App crashes immediately after request for permissions.

cordova-ios@4.5.4 cordova-plugin-fcm@2.1.2

Anyone found a solution please?

Muji86 commented 6 years ago

It can't be built in Ionic Pro. I invested a lot of time in this and contacted them and they confirmed that they don't support cocoapods so you won't be able to build fcm for ios on Ionic pro.

I've used OneSignal instead which is actually easier if you only want to use notifications

DouglasLapsley commented 6 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me on this. cocoapods was recently introduced on Ionic Pro I believe. I'll take a look at OneSignal. I assume your implementation used the following plugin?


Thanks very much :)

Muji86 commented 6 years ago

No problem mate. That's the correct plugin but as mentioned in.my previous post, you have to use v2.1.0 as versions after that use cocoapods.

I'm not aware of cocoapods been supported by Ionic Pro but if that's the case then there should be a way of getting it work

nairbinod commented 6 years ago


On Fri, Mar 2, 2018, 8:05 AM Muji86 notifications@github.com wrote:

No problem mate. That's the correct plugin but as mentioned in.my previous post, you have to use v2.1.0 as versions after that use cocoapods.

I'm not aware of cocoapods been supported by Ionic Pro but if that's the case then there should be a way of getting it work

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/fechanique/cordova-plugin-fcm/issues/389#issuecomment-369929180, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AF0JzRLWd0OMKtVvXvdy1d_v0UGrFIUfks5taVGygaJpZM4P3EV- .

Muji86 commented 6 years ago

Ionic's workaround:


rpcarnell commented 6 years ago


I am using Linux, and with Linux you can treat the IPA file as a zip file. I saw the good version of the file here: /Payload/Spiela.app/www/resources/. I moved it to /Payload/Spiela.app/ via copy / paste.

ron-gonzalez commented 6 years ago

Hi rpcarnell , I'm afraid that if the .ipa file is modified, the installer is refused by the IPhone ( by security reasons ) You must re-sing the .IPA todo that you must use XCODE and a think that can not be donne under linux. Could you confirm that ?

Thanks! best regards, Roni

kameloov commented 6 years ago

check @sparklton answer at #348 the solution worked perfectly for me

R1ccky commented 5 years ago

Same situation, app crash at start with simulator and plugin cordova-plugin-fcm version 2.1.2. Plists are ok. Undergrading to version 2.1.1 solves the problem.