fechanique / cordova-plugin-fcm

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
624 stars 990 forks source link

fcm integration #601

Open vamsi973 opened 4 years ago

vamsi973 commented 4 years ago

Using cordova-fetch for cordova-android@8.0.0 Error: Failed to fetch platform cordova-android@8.0.0 Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect. Check your connection and platform name/version/URL. Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output: npm ERR! Windows_NT 10.0.14393 npm ERR! argv "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Users\new\Documents\poultry_app_frontend\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" "install" "cordova-android@8.0.0" "--production" "--save-exact" npm ERR! node v10.15.3 npm ERR! npm v2.15.12 npm ERR! code EPEERINVALID

npm ERR! peerinvalid The package @angular/common@7.2.11 does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies requirements! npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/fire@5.2.1 wants @angular/common@>=6.0.0 <9 || ^9.0.0-0 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/forms@7.2.11 wants @angular/common@7.2.11 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/platform-browser@7.2.11 wants @angular/common@7.2.11 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@7.2.11 wants @angular/common@7.2.11 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/router@7.2.11 wants @angular/common@7.2.11 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @ionic/angular@4.1.2 wants @angular/common@^7.2.1 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer angular-highcharts@7.2.0 wants @angular/common@^7.0.0-rc.0 || ^7.0.0 npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer ngx-icons@0.3.0 wants @angular/common@^4.0.0

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! C:\Users\new\Documents\poultry_app_frontend\npm-debug.log [ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova.

    cordova.cmd platform add android --save exited with exit code 1.

    Re-running this command with the --verbose flag may provide more information.

how can i resolve this issue? when i am integrating fcm with the ionic 4 version.