fedarko / MetagenomeScope

Hierarchical scaffold/assembly graph web visualization tool. As of August 9, 2017, the official repository for this has moved to MarBL! Use that repository instead :)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make lengths between nodes in P-metanodes bigger #228

Closed fedarko closed 7 years ago

fedarko commented 7 years ago

The "compressed" nature of P-nodes makes a few things difficult:

See if we can use len and weight or something for edges in P-nodes? Might have to set sfdp's mode to "maxent" in order to get it to recognize edges' requested len attributes.

fedarko commented 7 years ago

So after a few hours of messing around with nodesep, sep, len, weight, fdp vs. neato vs. sfdp, K, splines=true, ... I still haven't made much progress on this.

However, I think I figured out a way to do this without GraphViz. When laying out the interior of a P-metanode, find the node with the maximum x position (there are only two nodes inside a P-metanode so this shouldn't be that hard to do) and shift it over by some amount (experiment to figure out what looks good—maybe 1 inch or so?). Shift over the x-dimension of the bounding box of the metanode by the same amount. I think this should have the same effect that I was going for here.