fedden / RenderMan

Command line C++ and Python VSTi Host library with MFCC, FFT, RMS and audio extraction and .wav writing.
The Unlicense
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Argument types did not match #30

Open inhahe opened 3 weeks ago

inhahe commented 3 weeks ago

After a few years of waiting for answers and also putting it off, I finally got renderman.dll to build (on Windows), but I'm having a problem.

Here's my code:

import librenderman as rm
engine = rm.RenderEngine(44100, 512, 512)
result = engine.load_plugin(r"D:\soundshop\vst\plugins\DSK_Saxophones_-_win64\DSK Saxophones - win64\DSK Saxophones.dll")
if not result: 
  print("plugin didn't load.")

Here's the error I got:

Python argument types in
    RenderEngine.load_plugin(RenderEngine, str)
did not match C++ signature:
    load_plugin(class wrap::RenderEngineWrapper {lvalue}, class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >, int)