feddischson / skyplotwidget

QT skyplot widget to visualize relative satellite positions
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QSkyPlotWidget Possible Upgrades #2

Open PHRupp opened 7 years ago

PHRupp commented 7 years ago

The Widget looks perfect for plotting the positions of MEO and GEO satellites. A possibly good update could be the addition of showing LEO satellite passes such as plots given by Heaven's Above (see image below). Possible C++ package for pass predictions can be found in the SGP4 package (url = https://www.danrw.com/sgp4/ ). Another functionality that might be useful in addition to the LEO passes would be an indication of when the satellites are in shadow and when they are illuminated by the sun during their pass (example: the line depicting the pass is yellow when lit and blue when in shadow). This functionality would be extremely helpful for building a list of satellites to track.

heavens above skyplot

feddischson commented 7 years ago

Having a line which shows the track of the satellite would be nice.

I think there are several options how to enable this:

  1. Providing all necessary satellite data to the Skyplot widget, do an internal calculation of the track and do the plotting (this can be done by using the library SGP4 library)
  2. Do the calculation of the track externally and provide the track-data to the Skyplot widget for plotting