federatedbookkeeping / research

Research notes about Federated Bookkeeping and related topics
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Virtual Organizations with Federated Bookkeeping (VOFB's) #10

Open michielbdejong opened 2 years ago

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

The idea of building something like a DAO, but without using "bubble tech" like globally unique blockchains. Instead, just use peer-to-peer message exchange, but with signed promise notes to establish conditional commitments from participants. See https://gitter.im/federatedbookkeeping/community?at=611cf15229b165332e820fb3 (note I accidentally used 'DApp' there, but I meant 'DAO')

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

Like for Ethereum-based DAOs, a VOFB would help people to coordinate their activity through governance protocols that can be verified by applying machine-executable algorithms and checking digital signatures on messages. The difference would be that a VOFB is not "ledger-backed". It's a set of conditional promises by individuals, same as verbal agreements.

You could however program IoT devices to automatically respond to breach of promise (e.g. a piece of online content is only viewable if you donated to the crowdfunding campaign for it).

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

See also https://github.com/federatedbookkeeping/research/issues/26 for more in-depth comparison between Federated Bookkeeping and blockchain.