federatedbookkeeping / research

Research notes about Federated Bookkeeping and related topics
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Things we can build #9

Open michielbdejong opened 2 years ago

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

So far we're mainly brainstorming about Federated Bookkeeping, but it probably makes sense to start building some stuff at some point. Some things we could try to build:


Like the work we are doing with Peppol, but also e-Catalog and fetching/forwarding data from billing APIs.

(personal) finance insights

Decentralized tools for (personal) bookkeeping. Importing data from bank statements and machine-readable invoices, for instance. And then displaying this information to the user in a way that gives some insight, for instance, compare actual expenses to pre-determined budget limits. Like the Solid MoneyPane work.

collaborative invoice composition

See https://github.com/pondersource/collaborative-invoice-composition and https://github.com/m-ld/m-ld-security-spec/blob/main/threats/e-invoicing.md.

circular debt resolution

See LedgerLoops

Virtual Organizations ("VOFBs", or "P2P DAOs")

See #10

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

I don't know if it makes sense to write a whitepaper for Federated Bookkeeping (describing the design for one or more of these systems), but I do think it would be fun to do so! :) We could draft it with the group of people who are regularly attending the weekly community call.

michielbdejong commented 2 years ago

In a way, VOFBs can be seen as a culmination of the first four.