federecio / dropwizard-swagger

a Dropwizard bundle that serves Swagger UI static content and loads Swagger endpoints.
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Release to Maven Central #16

Closed marcelstoer closed 9 years ago

marcelstoer commented 9 years ago

I'm uncomfortable adding a custom repository to my POM. Please release your bundle to Maven Central:


That would also automatically ensure that the sources are also in the repo (which they currently are not).

federecio commented 9 years ago

Hi Marcel,

Thanks for the suggestion, will look into it.

marcelstoer commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'd be happy to assist. Just let me know if you need anything.

federecio commented 9 years ago

Got approval to upload my project. Will try to push a release tonight Pacific Time.

Note that I'll be changing the group id from com.federecio to io.federecio

federecio commented 9 years ago

OK, finally deployed to Sonatype. Please note that the group id is now io.federecio



marcelstoer commented 9 years ago

Great, just got it from Central. Thanks!