federicociro / bitcoin_bus_bot

Telegram bot for Bitcoin GroupHug
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pylint Issues and Solutions #1

Closed federicociro closed 1 month ago

federicociro commented 2 months ago
Line Too Long (C0301):
    Issue: Lines are longer than the default 100-character limit.
    Solution: Either shorten the lines to comply with the limit or adjust the line length setting in a pylintrc file if you want to allow longer lines.

Missing Module Docstring (C0114):
    Issue: The module grouphug.py is missing a docstring at the beginning which describes the module's purpose.
    Solution: Add a docstring at the beginning of the module.

Import Errors (E0401):
    Issue: The telegram, telegram.ext, and bitcoin modules cannot be found by Pylint.
    Solution: Ensure these packages are installed in the environment where Pylint is running. If running Pylint in a local or CI environment, make sure to activate the Conda environment or install these packages explicitly before running Pylint.

Missing Function or Method Docstring (C0116):
    Issue: Several functions or methods are missing docstrings.
    Solution: Add docstrings to all functions and methods describing what they do.

Unused Argument (W0613):
    Issue: Arguments listed in function definitions are not used within those functions.
    Solution: If the arguments are not needed, consider removing them or replacing them with _ to indicate that they are intentionally unused.

Catching too General Exception (W0718):
    Issue: Using a general Exception to catch errors is not specific enough and can make debugging harder.
    Solution: Specify the exact exceptions that you expect to catch.

Redefining Built-in input (W0622):
    Issue: You've named a variable input, which overrides a built-in Python function.
    Solution: Rename the variable to something more descriptive that does not shadow built-in names.

Too Many Return Statements (R0911):
    Issue: A function has more return statements than the recommended limit.
    Solution: Refactor the function to reduce complexity and the number of return paths.

Wrong Import Order (C0411):
    Issue: Standard library imports should be placed before third-party imports.
    Solution: Reorder the imports so that standard library imports (asyncio, socket) appear before third-party imports (telegram, bitcoin).

Unused Import (W0611):
    Issue: The socket module is imported but not used.
    Solution: Remove the unused import.
federicociro commented 1 month ago

Replaced pylint with super-linter