federicomarini / ideal

Interactive Differential Expression AnaLysis - DE made accessible and reproducible
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add CITATION.cff file #12

Open bgruening opened 4 months ago

bgruening commented 4 months ago

We talked about this one :) https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-citation-files

federicomarini commented 4 months ago

Yep - Would be interesting to see if there is a bibtex2cff utility around.

While at it - should go in another issue, but I'll speak up: License files, should they be added explicitly as well?

bgruening commented 4 months ago

Yes to LICENSE files.

federicomarini commented 4 months ago

I am just wondering - since R packages have already the "standardized way" of making them citable with the item in inst/citation, shall this one come on top? I have the impression it is a bit redundant. @csoneson, got any idea especially re: "regulations" in Bioc?