fedeya / remix-sitemap

Sitemap generator for Remix applications
MIT License
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New API for generate entries #23

Closed fedeya closed 1 year ago

fedeya commented 1 year ago

Maybe can be improved the developer experience changing the api from sitemap property in handle to a sitemap function like meta or links

Reference: https://github.com/remix-run/remix/discussions/2912#discussioncomment-3048673


// routes/posts.$slug.ts

export const sitemap: SitemapFunction = async ({ config, request }) => {
  const posts = await getPosts();

  return posts.map(post => ({
    loc: `/posts/${post.slug}`

This is very possible, for build time generation i get the all exported modules when i build each route with esbuild. And for runtime generation i can get it from the same route modules where i get the handle

Also for settings like exclude or addOptionalPaths it can be more conditional.

Example if you want to hide only one route in a collection

// routes/($lang)/posts.$slug.ts

export const sitemap: SitemapFunction = async ({ config, request }) => {
  const posts = await getPosts();

  return posts.map(post => ({
    loc: `/posts/${post.slug}`,
    exclude: post.seo?.noIndex,
    addOptionalSegments: post.isTranslated
fedeya commented 1 year ago

Also to change properties quickly is cleaner


export const handle: SitemapHandle = {
  sitemap: {
    generateEntries: () => [{
      loc: '/about',
      priority: 0.2,
      changefreq: 'weekly',


export const sitemap: SitemapFunction = () => ({
  priority: 0.2,
  changefreq: 'weekly'
fedeya commented 1 year ago

this new api is in v2 branch, the discussion keeps open for feedback
