fedidcg / FedCM

A privacy preserving identity exchange Web API
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Support signing in with an IdP using a redirection #617

Open embesozzi opened 1 week ago

embesozzi commented 1 week ago

It will be great for the user experience to support login as a redirection to the IdP, as this is the standard practice in identity federation. Currently, it supports the popup experience, which is not ideal in some scenarios.

panva commented 1 week ago

I believe same wish goes as an alternative to the popup window experience in the continuation API. A popup limits the real estate for the IdP to work with, unless blocking the tab (much like alert is) can be clicked away and "lost" to the user, \<insert more popup-related issues that we have years of historical evidence for here>

npm1 commented 1 week ago

Do you mean redirecting to the IdP page after the user has selected an account via FedCM? Isn't this something the IdP can do with sufficient control over the RP page?