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User Story: Sign into RP with embedded resources #13

Open berilee opened 2 years ago

berilee commented 2 years ago

User story

As a user I want to access my RP, in this example a learning management system, and have access to the embedded resources without having to authorize each resource. Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 5 09 10 PM

Case 1: User signed in to IDP before signing into LMS

  1. User signs into login.microsoftonline.com
  2. This sets a first-party cookie to the IDP
  3. User visits lms.contoso.com which has embedded iframe content from teams.microsoft.com, onenote.com, and embedded.third-party.com
  4. User can see (without extra clicks) logged-in content hosted at lms.contoso.com, teams.microsoft.com, onenote.com and embedded.third-party.com a. The token fetches are done through the iframe embedding an iframe of login.microsoftonline.com which retrieves the token and calls postMessage() to return to the parent frame.
    b. lms.contoso.com can fetch an authorization token for the user from login.microsoftonline.com c. Each of the embedded iframes can fetch a token for the user from login.microsoftonline.com i. teams.microsoft.com can fetch a token for the user from login.microsoftonline.com ii. onenote.com can fetch a token for the user from login.microsoftonline.com iii. embedded.third-party.com can fetch a token for the user from login.microsoftonline.com d. Each of the embedded RP iframes has implicit permission for front-channel logout

Case 2: User signed out of IDP before signing into LMS

  1. User is signed out of login.microsoftonline.com
  2. User visits lms.contoso.com
  3. User is not signed into the LMS and clicks the sign-in button
  4. User is redirected to … <fuzzy here, is this nav based cookie setting?>
  5. User is redirected back to the lms.contoso.com
  6. Goto: Case 1 step 3.

Out of scope:

  1. User goes to login.microsoftonline.com and clicks logout
  2. User receives authorization grants for embedded resources

Q: Do the embedded iframes need access to the login.microsoftonline.com cookie outside of fetching tokens?

Q: What types of tokens do the iframes need access to? id_token, access_token, refresh_token, other?

Context of the story

Assumptions: The IDP and the LMS are not the same first-party

This specific case of a learning management system would be EDU, but a similar setup exists in consumer and enterprise contexts as well.

Q: For the consumer context, what is the behavior the consumer would expect/want here? Does the consumer expect the embedded RPs and login.microsoftonline.com to know about each other?

Should this be considered sanctioned or unsanctioned tracking?

Unknown / TBD

Explicit list of parties involved

Privacy implications

Complicating characteristics


Additional information


hlflanagan commented 2 years ago

Discussed during the 3 December 2021 fedidcg call

pkotwicz commented 2 years ago

Does anyone have examples of signed-in cross origin iframes in a learning management system? I am mostly interested in what type of task the cross-origin iframe accomplishes. Chat widget? Renders a specialized type of content? Gives access to trade publications?

The purpose of my question is to help the Chrome team have accurate examples of each use case. I went back into the learning management system for the university I attended and my quick look did not find any cross origin iframes in the alumni portal. There were links to third party apps which opened in a separate tab.

I understand and agree that Chrome should not care about who the third party widgets are.

pkotwicz commented 2 years ago

Ping on this question