fedimint / ui

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Config json reboot #369

Closed EthnTuttle closed 4 months ago

EthnTuttle commented 7 months ago

Closes #224

I am having trouble with my dev env so would appreciate a solid testing of this. It worked for me one time when things were cooperative.

elsirion commented 7 months ago

Love seeing progress here! Can't wait for being able to host the UI as a static site instead of a docker container!

EthnTuttle commented 6 months ago

This looks like a good start, I just think it can be done a) with only a single webserver in development, and b) with only a single request to the config.

One thing that would also be good to see in this PR is updates to the README for how to set these variables. It'd be good to write out how we're going to ask developers to set up these configs, so that we're all on the same page of what it looks like.

One last thing we'll need to do before this is complete (although could be a separate PR) is having the dockerfile generate the correct JSON file based on the env vars, instead of its current find/replace.

Thanks for the feedback.

EthnTuttle commented 6 months ago

@wbobeirne Just wanted to get a review of the Context changes i made for querying the config data. Will be circling back to other things as I can.

EthnTuttle commented 6 months ago

x-post from Discord for context

I'm having a Catch22 with this config dev server. Intercepting the call to the config endpoint is easy enough, but how would you determine what dev config to server up? if a single webserver is serving the content, then what in that content can specify to the backedn that it's dev server 1 or w/e.

it's all serving the same static assets so there's no anything unique to indicate this once the browser loads up the app. I suppose I could add something to the UI that is dev specific for this? Which might be desireable for using the same UI static site to switch between federations?

also pondering a custom error page for when the config is not found so a user can specify a new path to look in for the config?

EthnTuttle commented 6 months ago

Tested the Dockerfile build using docker compose and it worked. :smile:

Kodylow commented 6 months ago

just tried guardian-ui locally and it worked great, pretty sweet.

EthnTuttle commented 5 months ago

Apologies folks. Lost momentum on this. No certainty I'll close on this anytime soon.

Kodylow commented 5 months ago

can you leave todos and I'll finish it?

EthnTuttle commented 5 months ago

can you leave todos and I'll finish it?

Any of the outstanding conversatation basically.

That's about it from what I see. Currently this works but could be improved upon.

Dayvvo commented 5 months ago

@EthnTuttle @Kodylow I'd like to pick this up if you don't mind. Can you provide more context to the "move config state into it's own context" todo. Currently what I think you mean is to move tosConfig variable found at tosConfig into a context state in SetupContext.tsx. I'd appreciate a response. Thanks!

Kodylow commented 5 months ago

that's my understanding from when I last talked to ethan