fedora-infra / pkgwat.api

Python API for querying the Fedora Packages webapp
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Add pkgwat.api.get method #2

Closed pypingou closed 11 years ago

pypingou commented 11 years ago

According to the documentation there is only one way to retrieve the meta information for a package, using the 'search' (http://pkgwat.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#pkgwat.api.search), we should have a way to retrieve the meta information of a specific package.

We're basically thinking of integrating the pkgwat.api into packagedb to get the upstream url of the packages which would allow us to have a descent doap file generation.

ralphbean commented 11 years ago

Sure! the pkwat cli tool just searches and then uses the first hit for information: https://github.com/fedora-infra/pkgwat.cli/blob/develop/pkgwat/cli/subcommands.py#L46

the packages app does the same thing internally for getting info on a package. This might need a bug filed against fedora-packages to create a new fcomm_connector method.

ralphbean commented 11 years ago

Would it work with you if the .get function just did a search and returned the first result? That's what the server would do if we implemented this there.. and adding this on the client side would be much simpler.

pypingou commented 11 years ago

If the first result is the best/a perfect match then sure, I think that would work. The only inconvenient I can think of is that a search query might take longer than a get query to run/return.

We can always go this way in pkgwat.api and adjust the server and the api library afterward no?