fedora-infra / supybot-fedora

Fedora plugin for Supybot
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RFE: .nextelection command #35

Closed decause closed 2 years ago

decause commented 9 years ago

It would be great to be able to type .nextelection to zodbot, and have it post the next election date, with a link to the elections page.

@ralphbean approved :+1:

pypingou commented 9 years ago

Retrieving the info from where ? Elections or fedocal or ?

ralphbean commented 9 years ago

@decause suggested to me that the data was already in fedocal.

pypingou commented 9 years ago

If it is not already we could/should add it there, but cool it means I don't have to add an API to elections :-D

ryanlerch commented 2 years ago

Going to close this one off.

Please reopen if you really want this implemented.