fedora-infra / supybot-fedora

Fedora plugin for Supybot
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zodbot should consult packages now in RHEL, formerly in EPEL or Fedora #56

Open herrold opened 6 years ago

herrold commented 6 years ago

... and not only report as orphaned

which is only part of the story

clone from


when zodbot is asked about a package upstreamed to RHEL, it does not so state:

  1. rather it unhelpfully provides half the story, and says: orphaned

  2. this would permit 'ad hoc' fixes needed in EPEL to be identified more easily, by running a package list through zodbot queries, and looking for the marker about upstreamed tt RHEL

16:04 =orc_fedo> whoowns pcp 16:04 =zodbot> nathans (orphan in Fedora EPEL)

[herrold @centos-7 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release ; rpm -qi pcp CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) Name : pcp Version : 3.11.8 Release : 7.el7 Architecture: x86_64 Install Date: Wed 15 Nov 2017 03:18:03 PM EST ... Build Date : Fri 04 Aug 2017 06:28:44 PM EDT Build Host : c1bm.rdu2.centos.org

Kevin commented:

Well, it's not wrong (it does tell you that it's orphaned in Fedora EPEL, which is true), it just doesn't say it's also in RHEL now. I think we could get the information about if something is currently in RHEL (we have some json that does this now).

So, in theory it could say:

nathans (orphaned in Fedora EPEL, in RHEL7)