fedora-infra / supybot-fedora

Fedora plugin for Supybot
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Fix bugzilla_contact handling from yaml file #60

Closed tmzullinger closed 5 years ago

tmzullinger commented 5 years ago

When parsing the bugzilla_contact in yaml files, the data is added the the lines list. Using 'lines +=' causes each each character in the bugzilla_contact string to be added to the lines list, resulting in lines containing:

  ['F', 'e', 'd', 'o', 'r', 'a', ':', ' ', '@', 'k', 'd', 'e', '-', 's', 'i', 'g']

rather than the desired:

  ['Fedora: @kde-sig']

The result from zodbot:

  14:43:22 <RaphGro> .whoowns kf5-modemmanager-qt
  14:43:23 <zodbot> RaphGro: owner: dvratil - ; F; e; d; o; r; a; ; :;  ; @; k; d; e; -; s; i; g

Thanks to misc (Michael Scherer) in #fedora-devel for helping to locate the problematic code (and to the supybot-fedora source ;).

Signed-off-by: Todd Zullinger tmz@pobox.com