fedora-infra / supybot-fedora

Fedora plugin for Supybot
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Ansible provisioning is Failing on the Vagrant Box #73

Closed nasirhm closed 2 years ago

nasirhm commented 3 years ago

While following the steps to setup a development environment with Vagrant, The Ansible provisioing is failing due to a man pages conflict with the following error:

fatal: [default]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failures": [], "msg": "Unknown Error occured: Transaction check error:\n  file /usr/share/man/man5/idmapd.conf.5.gz from install of nfs-utils-1:2.5.1-0.fc31.x86_64 conflicts with file from package libnfsidmap-1:2.4.1-1.rc1.fc31.x86_64\n", "rc": 1, "results": []}

Both packages nfs-utils and libnfsidmap are having a conflict with the man file: man5/idmapd.conf.5.gz.