fedora-python / pyp2rpm

Tool to convert a package from PyPI to RPM SPECFILE or to generate SRPM.
MIT License
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Packages with multiline or very long description should just get the first line (n chars) into summary #106

Closed hroncok closed 7 years ago

hroncok commented 7 years ago

Consider https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose_warnings_filters

pyp2rpm  -s nose_warnings_filters

will produce this horrible summary:

Summary:        Allow to inject warning filters during ``nosetest``.  Put the same arguments as ``warnings.filterwarnings`` in ``setup.cfg`` at the root of your project. Separated each argument by pipes ``|``, one filter per line. Whitespace are stripped.  for example:  ::      [nosetests]     warningfilters=default         |.*            |DeprecationWarning |notebook.*                    ignore          |.*metadata.*  |DeprecationWarning |notebook.*                    once            |.*schema.*    |UserWarning        |nbfor.*                    error           |.*warn.*      |DeprecationWarning |notebook.services.contents.manager*  If you prefer another name for the configuration file, you can tell nose to load the configuration using the ``-c`` flag: run the tests with ``nosetests -c nose.cfg``.  details configuration. ======================  Each line of warning filter is separated in maximum 4 sections, that match the first 4 sections of ``filterwarnings``:  .. code:: python      filterwarnings(action, message="", category=Warning, module="", lineno=0, append=False)  fields 2 to 4 can be omitted, ie to say 1 line can be of the following form:  ::      action     action| message     action| message | category     action| message | category | module  the value of each fields is treated the same as for ``filterwarnigns`` except: - whitespace are trimmed. - if the ``category`` has dots, the corresponding class try to be imported. If it does not have dots, the name is looked up in ``builtins`` or ``__builtins__``  test are failing ================  For some reasons in some systems tests are failing; it seem that this package have difficulty to self-test. That's likely due to the fact that the tested package need to be in different namespaces, and by self-testing we break this assumption. 

The summary should be just Allow to inject warning filters during nosetest