fedora-python / pyp2rpm

Tool to convert a package from PyPI to RPM SPECFILE or to generate SRPM.
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Stop specialcasing packages with "py" in name on Fedora #5

Closed mcyprian closed 9 years ago

mcyprian commented 9 years ago

Historically, we specialcased packages with "py" in name on Fedora, as they were named just "pypackagename", not "python-pypackagename". This is no longer true and all packages in Fedora have to be named in form "python-pypackagename" (unless they end with "-python", IIUC) [1]. pyp2rpm should reflect this change (e.g. pyp2rpm -n py should yield python-py spec/name/...).

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines#Addon_Packages_.28python_modules.29

mcyprian commented 9 years ago

I played with pyp2rpm naming.


pyp2rpm -n python-admob -p 3

%global pypi_name python-admob

Name:           python-%{pypi_name}

%package -n     python3-%{pypi_name}

I will try fix those too along with py specialcasing.

Original comment by: Robert Kuska

mcyprian commented 9 years ago
    Hi, this failure occurs because pyp2rpm doesn't expect package to have
    two modules in package root folder, as is beets and beetsplug in your

    This is of course not a feature and I will try to address this issue in
    next future release, which will come soon.

    Meanwhile you can add to your specfile under %file section
    %{python_sitelib}/beetsplug manually.

Original comment by: Robert Kuska

mcyprian commented 9 years ago

Testers are needed and welcomed. :-)

Original comment by: Robert Kuska

mcyprian commented 9 years ago

pyp2rpm now when generating (Build)Requires changes pytest into python-pytest and we have no such package in fedora pkgdb.

I reopen this again to track this.

I have basically two ideas how to deal with this; use list of most common pyfoo named packages already in fedora pkgdb and skip 'rpmizing' their names or wait until pyfoo packages will provide python-pyfoo.

Original comment by: Robert Kuska

rkuska commented 9 years ago

This should be resolved in Fedora. Closing this.