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Cannot add certificate authorities to Firefox using enterprise policy #397

Closed aral closed 1 year ago

aral commented 1 year ago

In Firefox version 64+, you can add your custom certificate authorities to Firefox using an enterprise policy file and by copying your certificates to /usr/lib/mozilla/certificates or /usr64/lib/mozilla/certficiates.


Describe the bug

/usr/lib/mozilla is read-only under Fedora Silverblue.

So you cannot add certificates using the enterprise policy flow.

To Reproduce

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/mozilla/certificates
sudo cp my-root-ca.pem /usr/lib/mozilla/certificates

Expected behavior

On non-mutable platforms, works.

OS version:

State: idle
● fedora:fedora/37/x86_64/silverblue
                  Version: 37.20221222.0 (2022-12-22T00:56:19Z)
               BaseCommit: 6c134a2419fc01752ac5d736fd12cd860a98e3c0f959d1d9199ead3042cdcb6f
             GPGSignature: Valid signature by ACB5EE4E831C74BB7C168D27F55AD3FB5323552A
          LayeredPackages: appeditor ffmpeg fish gnome-console gnome-tweak-tool
                           gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gtk4-devel-tools langpacks-en
                           libvirt-daemon-config-network lm_sensors mozilla-openh264
                           rpmfusion-free-release rpmfusion-nonfree-release virt-install
                           virt-manager virt-viewer wireguard-tools wl-clipboar

Additional context

This isn’t an issue Fedora Silverblue can fix by itself but it is a blocker for this use case on the platform so it’s one that I would urge the Fedora Silverblue (or Fedora/Red Hat/IBM) teams to take up with Mozilla to come up with a solution that works given that Fedora Silverblue is seen as the future of Fedora/Red Hat/etc.

(Ideally, Mozilla shouldn’t make it so difficult to add custom certificate authorities. None of the other browsers do.)

travier commented 1 year ago

Have you tried using /usr/local/lib/mozilla? Sometimes software does not mention it but still supports it.

tcitworld commented 1 year ago

According to https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#certificates--install you can use ~/.mozilla/certificates.

aral commented 1 year ago

@tcitworld Thanks, Thomas. I’m going to give that another shot now and I’ll update the issue based on what I find. (My initial tests before lunch didn’t work but I didn’t have much time to dig deeper.)

aral commented 1 year ago

OK, after a bit of fiddling, here’s how you do it:

  1. As @tcitworld mentioned, copy your certificate authority’s certificate to ~/.mozilla/certificates (e.g., my-ca.pem)
  2. Make the following directory if it doesn’t exist: /etc/firefox/policies
  3. Add a policy.json file like the following to /etc/firefox/policies:
  "policies": {
    "Certificates": {
      "Install": ["~/.mozilla/certificates/my-ca.pem"]

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and here’s hoping this’ll help anyone else who might come across the same issue.

Since there’s a working method, I’m closing this issue.

mkaply commented 1 year ago

Per the page you reference, you can use a fully qualified path and put the certs anywhere.

Ideally, Mozilla shouldn’t make it so difficult to add custom certificate authorities. None of the other browsers do.

Can you provide more detail here? I can't find any information on adding CAs to Chrome on Linux except via manual methods, which Firefox supports.

aral commented 1 year ago

@mkaply Ah, missed that. Good to know, thanks.

Re: Chrom(ium), I’ll have to look at it again. I thought it picked it up from the system store but I might be mistaken. I’m floating between three platforms right now, trying to write a mkcert alternative in pure JavaScript (without using certutil) all because browsers can’t pop-up a simple ”Looks like you’re doing web dev, would you like us to trust https://localhost? [Yes/No]” prompt :)

Update: Yep, they changed it starting in 105. FFS! *sigh* *starts looking for ways to make it work in Chrom(ium)*

Update 2: Just tested it and Chromium does automatically pick up custom certificate authorities you’ve installed in your system trust store. This also matches what they state here (see end of article for quote from Google): https://www.entrust.com/blog/2020/11/how-the-changes-to-google-chromes-root-program-might-impact-your-enterprise-pki/

mkaply commented 1 year ago

That's interesting. When we did the system store work, Linux didn't have a cert store that we knew of. I'll get a bug open to see if we can add support for this.

aral commented 1 year ago

@mkaply Neat, thanks, Michael. That’ll be a chunk of code I can remove when that happens, which is always good :)

AdamWill commented 1 year ago

That's interesting. When we did the system store work, Linux didn't have a cert store that we knew of. I'll get a bug open to see if we can add support for this.

well, you might have fun. "Linux" doesn't exactly have a system trust store. Distributions implement it differently, with differing support for the different major SSL libraries.

I have an old blog post on this that's a bit of a cult classic - https://www.happyassassin.net/posts/2015/01/12/a-note-about-ssltls-trusted-certificate-stores-and-platforms/ . Things have changed a bit since then but, uh, not a lot.

The docs at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/using-shared-system-certificates/ explain how to use the Fedora/RH-y system trust store. That should work on Fedora, RHEL and derivatives (including Silverblue, right now - I can't think why it shouldn't, so I don't think Silverblue has anything to fix here, unless you try that and it doesn't work). I think you can do broadly the same on Arch - ISTR that Arch adopted the Fedora/RHEL-y system, and https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/User:Grawity/Adding_a_trusted_CA_certificate suggests the same.

For Ubuntu (and I think Debian and other Debian derivatives), https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-trust-store should be correct.

aral commented 1 year ago

Update: OK, so I was wrong (and the documentation may be wrong also).

On Fedora Silverblue 37 with bundled native Firefox 108.0:

I see that Firefox imports the certificate authority automatically from the system trust store.

Screenshot from 2023-01-12 14-09-54

I’m not sure yet whether this is due to some Firefox configuration that Fedora ships with or if it behaves this way on other distributions also. I’m going to test with Ubuntu next and see what happens.

I do see that under Security Devices, the system trust store paths/p11-kit-proxy is listed.


AdamWill commented 1 year ago

Yes, Fedora's system Firefox is very definitely set up to work with the system trust store. (Of course, these days and particularly for Silverblue we should also consider folks installing Firefox from the upstream flatpak; I've no idea how that one is set up).