fedwiki / wiki-server

Federated Wiki client and server in Node.js
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Farm problem #68

Closed jasonkgreen closed 10 years ago

jasonkgreen commented 10 years ago

I've started the node server in farm mode (screen wiki -f) and added a wildcard DNS A record to my zone file, but I still get resolver errors when I try to hit a new subdomain in the browser to make a new wiki. At this point I can't even figure out if the request is reaching the server. Is there a log file somewhere that would track failed connections?

almereyda commented 10 years ago

The server itself is outputting its log to Stdout (I think). So if you attach yourself to the screen session, you should be able to watch events as happening on the server.

As far as I understand wiki it justs responds to any Host-Header and creates a wiki for it, once a request reached it.

Additionally, you could check on which interface and which port wiki runs, maybe you didn't expose it to the public, yet. In my opinion, considering a reverse proxy in front of the wiki farm is not the worst, either.

jasonkgreen commented 10 years ago

On a server with public DNS . The server is alive because I go to basedomain.tld:3000 and get a wiki, but subdomain.basedomain.tld:3000 gives a DNS error. I have *.basedomain.tld IN A ###.###.###.### in my zone file already.

Have relaunched w/o screen. No anything in log when I try to hit the subdomains. Looks like a DNS issue but one I don't know how to fix.

jasonkgreen commented 10 years ago

Solved. It was a DNS record problem