fedwiki / wiki-server

Federated Wiki client and server in Node.js
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Update to Express 4 #71

Closed paul90 closed 9 years ago

paul90 commented 9 years ago

Another overdue update.

The Express 3.x to 4.x migration guide has been updated.

WardCunningham commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. We should review all routing after the conversion.

paul90 commented 9 years ago

The current state is available in the paul90/express4 branch

npm test is still broken, failing in test/server.coffee - but differently than in #60. It appears that there is a problem getting the callback. I don't see this method of testing documented anywhere, so not sure if it is something is intended to work or was an undocumented feature that is no longer there.

[ { data: '/tmp/sfwtests/5a53e6b040c032d7',
    port: 55555,
    root: '/Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/lib',
    packageDir: '/Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server',
    farmPort: 40000,
    home: 'welcome-visitors',
    client: '/Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/wiki-client/client',
    db: '/tmp/sfwtests/5a53e6b040c032d7/pages',
    status: '/tmp/sfwtests/5a53e6b040c032d7/status',
    url: 'http://localhost:55555',
    id: '/tmp/sfwtests/5a53e6b040c032d7/status/persona.identity',
    database: { type: './page' },
    debug: true } ]

   ( (
|        |] ・
 \      /  ❛
  `----'  ・❛●•・

 CoffeeScript: /Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/test/server.coffee:5
   2: path = require 'path'
   3: random = require '../lib/random_id'
   4: testid = random()
 ✘ 5: argv = require('../lib/defaultargs.coffee')({data: path.join('/tmp', 'sfwtests', testid), port: 55555})
   7: describe 'server', ->
   8:   describe '#actionCB()', ->

 Javascript: /Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/test/server.coffee:14:39
   12:   argv = require('../lib/defaultargs.coffee')({
   13:     data: path.join('/tmp', 'sfwtests',⬇testid),
 ✘ 14:     port: 55555
   15:   });
   17:   describe('server', function() {

 TypeError: Cannot read property 'put' of undefined
  at Function.<anonymous> (/Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/test/server.js:14:39)
  at Function.g (events.js:180:16)
  at Function.emit (events.js:92:17)
  at Server.<anonymous> (/Users/Paul/Projects/FedWiki/wiki-node-server/lib/server.coffee:509:11)
  at Server.g (events.js:180:16)
  at Server.emit (events.js:92:17)
  at net.js:1055:10
  at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)
paul90 commented 9 years ago

The Express4 changes have been merged into the paul90/0.3.x branch.

There are some messages about depreciated calls, which will be tided up soon - they appear to be for calls that will be removed in Express5.

As far as I can tell, the Express 4 version is working, as expected, so I'm closing this issue.