fedwiki / wiki

Federated Wiki - node server as npm package
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Feature request: support interoperation over ActivityPub #122

Open strypey opened 5 years ago

strypey commented 5 years ago

Example use case: I want to run be able to publish a blog piece using an instance of a fediverse blogging server like Hubzilla, Plume, or WriteAs, and have a copy of that text automatically added as a new page on an instance of FedWiki. The blogging server keeps the article in its original form, although edits may be made there after-the-fact to fix typos or factual errata, or add updates to the subject of the article, as in any other blogging system. Whereas the copy on the FedWiki server becomes a living document, updated and evolved over time, and available to be searched or mirrored across the FedWiki network, incorporated into larger sets of documents, and so on.

WardCunningham commented 5 years ago

I have consulted https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ in order to understand this request. I'm not there yet. Maybe you could elaborate in terms used in the overview, client and server, for example.

I imagine this could be implemented as a wiki server-side plugin similar to what we have done with RSS. Since the plugin would be receiving content it would help me to understand how you would expect identity to be handled.

Aside: It was Evan Prodromou speaking about federation at an event in Portland that got me thinking along these lines. I even sat in on a W3C call or two as this standard started to take shape. I couldn't stick it out though. So now I am an absolute beginner.

paddle-to-the-sea commented 5 years ago

Can anyone please point me to where to read more about the

wiki server-side plugin similar to what we have done with RSS.

I've looked and searched around the repo, but haven't had any luck finding out more about the RSS server-side plugin.

Thank you!

WardCunningham commented 5 years ago


Most of our plugins are in npm with links to github. Of course a server operator is free to load code from anywhere. We discourage close source but can't prevent it.

strypey commented 5 years ago

Maybe you could elaborate in terms used in the overview, client and server, for example.

Sorry, power user and champion of federation here, not a developer. I have posted a request on the fediverse for folks who can answer this from experience. FYI There is some sharing of AP dev experiences happening on a forum at socialhub.network. In general, a plug-in does sound like a good approach. Folks have developed plug-ins like Pterotype to allow WordPress to speak and receive comments in AP.

Aside: Great that you know Evan! I only know of him by reputation, but he's a well-recognized pioneer in the federated web space.

EDIT: typos