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Plug-ins (default set) #31

Closed paul90 closed 11 months ago

paul90 commented 9 years ago

While we are adding the Markdown plug-in, #28, are there any of the older plug-ins that should be removed from the default install?

My initial though is that there are a few that rely on specific server attached hardware, twadio and txtzyme. And probably logwatch and parse as well.


WardCunningham commented 9 years ago

Without looking, I would divide fedwiki's plugins into four categories:

We should be seeing more independently created plugins. I beefed up the mkplugin script to include setting up unit tests. That was half the work of writing Markdown. http://plugins.fed.wiki.org/make-plugin-script.html

We shouldn't be afraid of a proliferation of off-brand plugins. If you stumble across a page that doesn't render completely you can follow the journal to find a site with the plugins. From there you can read the About pages and they will direct you to the repository and community that supports it. To have it on your own site you add a line to package.json, npm install, and reboot.

Maybe we figure out how to do these last steps from within the application. Wordpress does, I am told. @nrn mentioned looking into this.

WardCunningham commented 9 years ago

p.s. @paul90, Thanks for updating all of that plugin documentation. I tried to review the changes methodically but may have failed to merge some. By the way, here are my scripts for downloading all the plugins and running searches against them. I should have used these instead of the web interface.


paul90 commented 9 years ago

As I have all the plugin repositories locally, a simple ls *plugin*/pages/* gives list all the plugin pages, which was used to create a page of links. Running up a server with an otherwise empty data directory makes it easy to pick out the pages that have been changed and move them back to the repositories.

The Pull Requests on the organization is the easiest way to see what it outstanding. Looks as if the activity, bars and twadio plugins, and the default pages in wiki-node-server were missed. Will merge them when I rebuild them all later, after breakfast.

WardCunningham commented 8 years ago

I have been working towards this reorganization as a goal with the working title Plugin Catalog. I would like to push this towards a conclusion, no matter how modest. I invite closing comments here.