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FB8774120: Widgets of the same type, size and configuration should not have the same identifier or share snapshots #171

Open sindresorhus opened 3 years ago

sindresorhus commented 3 years ago


Currently, on iOS 14.0.1, if a user adds two widgets of the same type, size, and configuration, the widgets receive the same identifier and hence share snapshots, making it impossible to show different content in each. This feels very backwards and I’m assuming it’s a bug.


Many widget apps (including the one mentioned above) currently work around this bug by adding a “Name”/“ID” field in the widget configuration screen where the user gives the widget a unique name, which results in the widget configuration being different, and hence gives the widget a unique identifier. This is more of a hack though, and not very user-friendly.

If this is not a bug, I would strongly recommend making it possible to force the widgets to be unique programmatically. This is what the user expects.

I have gotten countless of emails about confused users blaming my app for not working properly because multiple widgets show the same content.

sindresorhus commented 4 months ago

My reply:

This is still a huge issue when developing widgets…