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Starred items #237

Open rafeed opened 11 years ago

rafeed commented 11 years ago

I think it's important to be able to sort starred items by the feed that they are in for the web interface. Right now it seems like it's just a huge list of starred items with no way to sort through them per feed... unless I'm missing something?

Also, on Reeder for iOS, out of the 3600+ starred items I imported into feedbin, only 3400 of them were found.

Finally, why are starred items sorted by the date they were published and not by when they were starred? Google Reader sorted it the opposite way than how it's being done now.


ethnt commented 11 years ago

:thumbsup: +1

Another great feature of Google Reader was viewing starred items by category (I guess in Feedbin's case, it'd be by tag).

bjourdan commented 11 years ago

+1. Having the same problem with missing starred items.

CodigoBrew commented 11 years ago

+1 Great idea!

timoruppell commented 11 years ago

+1 on the missing starred items. I have a much larger fraction of my items missing (~1/3). Could this be an issue of starred items from RSS feeds that are no longer in my subscriptions list? Has anyone looked at their json file to figure out a possible reason for the missing items?

iheijoushin commented 11 years ago

+1. I was about to add a request for Starred items to have a "Show" link like other tags do. But this would achieve the same ends...

robeberhardt commented 10 years ago

yes please, really miss being able to see my starred items for a particular feed