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Feature Request: Trends/Stats #247

Open mlapida opened 11 years ago

mlapida commented 11 years ago

Metrics on my reading habits were a great feature of some other reader I used to use. My feeds post x amount on Wednesdays. I read n articles on Saturdays. They really gave me a sense of how much of my life I spend flipping through articles. The other guys did a nice job capturing these numbers and plotting them out, compete with an odometer of sorts with the number of articles read since you joined.

Is it possible to add this type of feed analytics in the future? I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys these types of statistics.

Keep up the good work.

ShaneGowland commented 11 years ago

I don't need full analytics; but a "You've read X articles through Feedbin" counter would be nice.

stigger commented 11 years ago

All I need is a way to take a look at how much time I'm spending at reading a particular feed to be able to periodically reassess wether it is worth it or not.