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WinRT #6

Open jasonsandys opened 11 years ago

jasonsandys commented 11 years ago

Nothing actually shows up in IE10 on Win8 RT except the Title bar. This goes for both the desktop IE and the Win 8 IE and in both normal mode and compatibility mode.

Works fine in IE10 on Win 8 Enterprise though.

ghost commented 11 years ago

I can confirm this issue does occur in IE10 on Win 7 as well.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Possible related issue: https://github.com/feedbin/support/issues/24

I realize that https://github.com/feedbin/support/issues/24 is closed as "won't fix" - but if they are related, that information may help in tracking down the cause (and the fix may also apply to both as well)

Zegnat commented 11 years ago

I am not getting any JavaScript errors in Opera. It correctly loads the /unread to start displaying the subscriptions in the sidebar. I thought that might be the problem but this suggests it isn’t.

I did get over a 1000 CSS errors. That’s A LOT to go through for figuring out what is giving the problems. Is there anyone who can get me an IE10 error log dump to compare?

benubois commented 11 years ago

Getting set up for testing in Windows. I currently don't have a way to test Windows RT, do you guys know if there is a virtual machine or developer kit for this?

benubois commented 11 years ago

@Zegnat Opera calls many things "Errors" but in fact they are just properties Opera does not understand. CSS allows for this by recommending that browsers ignore properties they do not understand. Most of the errors I'm seeing look like:

"-moz-border-radius is an unknown property" or browser hacks like "*margin-left: 0;"

Which aren't errors.

ghost commented 11 years ago

IE10 for Win7: The console has 1 Item on page load:

SEC7118: XMLHttpRequest for https://polyptych-feedbin.herokuapp.com/panels/7715918e9cb6d9fe5674b6431ff554f2d0b0af8a/status required Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

That's all I've got for ya..

ghost commented 11 years ago

http://www.browserstack.com/list-of-browsers-and-platforms http://www.browserstack.com/question/475 http://www.browserstack.com/test-in-internet-explorer

"Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (with metro mode) for cross IE testing. Every Windows OS has only one IE browser for 100% real experience"

...and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the IE10 app (or "metro mode") is probably exactly the same as what RT is running.

Beware: Their mobile browsers are emulators!

Zegnat commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the error @roomanitarian. That would suggest IE and Opera do not have related problems. I believe my Opera on Mac had no problem loading /status.

And here are some pointers for @benubois: the IE blog post on having the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header going for CORS, and a StackOverflow question showing the code needed to add these headers on Heroku. Hope that saved you a Google ;-)

jaseodonnell commented 11 years ago

The behaviour reported above for Opera is what I am seeing in IE 9 (9.0.8112.16421 64 bit on Windows 7, Update version 9.0.15 KB2817183). Actually, it's worse for IE 9 as per my screenshot: